4 Trustworthy Travel Insurance Companies for your Next Trip

Getting ready for your next adventure? Let’s talk about something that might not sound as exciting but can save the day – trustworthy travel insurance. Beyond the thrill of exploring new places, it’s important to have a safety net for those unexpected bumps in the road. Good travel insurance is like a reliable map, helping you navigate uncertainties and ensuring your trips stay fun and stress-free.

Why bother with travel insurance, you ask? Well, think about this: sudden health issues, unexpected changes in plans, or the classic case of lost luggage. Trustworthy travel insurance comes to the rescue, turning potential problems into manageable hiccups. It’s like having a backup plan that lets you adjust your journey without breaking the bank.

Now, let’s keep things simple and check out a few travel insurance options you can rely on. This blog is your guide to straightforward providers with clear rules and good coverage. These options are picked to match the idea that your travel insurance should be more than just a checkbox – it’s your safety net against surprises during your adventures. So, fellow wanderers, let’s hit the road with peace of mind, thanks to trustworthy travel insurance.

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~ Taylor ♡

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Let’s Cut to the Chase

Trustworthy travel insurance companies by category:

For adventure addicts: World Nomads

Convenient & great customer service: Heymondo – use my link to save 5%

For great rates: IMGlobal – this is the travel insurance I commonly use

For digital nomads: SafetyWing

Why Travel Insurance?

trustworthy travel insurance companies

Buying travel insurance may not be the most exciting aspect of trip planning, but it’s an imperative part of the process. Acting as the main safety net for your trip, appropriate travel insurance assists when the unexpected unfolds:

  • Medical Emergencies: Travel insurance covers unexpected medical expenses, ensuring you receive necessary care without breaking the bank.
  • Trip Cancellations: Life is unpredictable, and plans can change. Travel insurance safeguards your investment by covering costs if you need to cancel or postpone your trip due to unforeseen circumstances.
  • Lost or Delayed Baggage: Misplaced luggage can be a hassle. Travel insurance provides reimbursement for essential items and clothing if your baggage is lost or significantly delayed during your journey.
  • Travel Delays: Whether due to weather, strikes, or other issues, travel insurance helps compensate for additional expenses incurred during unexpected delays, such as accommodation or meals.
  • Emergency Evacuations: In the event of a natural disaster or political unrest, travel insurance can cover the costs of emergency evacuations, ensuring your safe return home.
  • Coverage for Adventure Activities: For thrill-seekers, travel insurance can provide coverage for adventurous activities, giving you peace of mind as you pursue your favourite adrenaline-fuelled experiences. Note that certain adventure activities are add-ons to regular insurance.
  • Legal Assistance: Travel insurance often includes legal assistance coverage, helping you navigate legal issues in a foreign country.
  • 24/7 Assistance: Many travel insurance policies offer round-the-clock assistance services, providing support in emergencies, offering travel information, or helping with lost documentation.
  • Personal Liability Coverage: In the unfortunate event that you cause injury to someone or damage property, travel insurance can provide coverage for legal expenses and settlements.
  • Peace of Mind: Ultimately, travel insurance provides peace of mind, allowing you to focus on enjoying your journey without constantly worrying about the unexpected.
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Taylor ♡

Travel Insurance vs Travel Medical Insurance

Yes – travel insurance and travel medical insurance ARE different. Although travel insurance is the best option, at the very least every traveller should purchase travel medical insurance before their trip.

Travel Insurance: Travel insurance is a comprehensive package that typically includes coverage for various aspects of your trip. This may encompass trip cancellations, lost luggage, travel delays, and emergency evacuations, in addition to medical coverage. It provides a more holistic protection, addressing different aspects of potential disruptions during your journey.

Medical Travel Insurance: On the other hand, medical travel insurance is specifically focused on covering healthcare-related expenses during your trip. It includes provisions for unexpected illnesses or injuries, covering medical expenses, hospital stays, and sometimes even emergency medical evacuation. While medical coverage is often part of standard travel insurance, standalone medical travel insurance policies may provide more extensive coverage in this particular area.

In essence, all medical travel insurance can be considered a part of travel insurance, but not all travel insurance necessarily delves deeply into medical coverage. It depends on the specific policy and the traveler’s needs. It’s important to carefully review the details of any insurance policy to understand the extent of coverage, especially regarding medical aspects, before embarking on a journey.

When do Travellers Need Travel Insurance?

trustworthy travel insurance companies

Always. Sometimes travel insurance comes from a pre-existing policy through work or school. Other times, you’ll need to purchase it separately. Here are various situations when purchasing travel insurance is highly recommended:

Traveling Overseas without Global Health Coverage: If your current health plan lacks comprehensive global coverage or imposes high out-of-network deductibles for international care, travel medical insurance becomes essential to fill this gap.

Venturing into Remote Areas: Traveling to remote locations where access to quality medical facilities is limited increases the importance of medical evacuation coverage. In such areas, even a minor injury could escalate into a major medical event, and having coverage for evacuation ensures you can be transported to a suitable facility.

Emergency Assistance Needs: Travel insurance provides access to 24/7 assistance lines for emergency situations. These services can assist with locating a pharmacy, offering language translation, replacing lost passports, and handling various unforeseen challenges that may arise during your trip.

Concerns About Non-Refundable Deposits: For those worried about losing significant amounts of money due to non-refundable deposits when canceling a trip, trip cancellation coverage becomes crucial. Trip cancellation insurance safeguards your trip investment by covering 100% of the prepaid funds you would lose if you cancel for reasons listed in the policy. These reasons typically include sickness, injury, severe weather, natural disasters, jury duty, and more.

What to Look for When Purchasing Travel Insurance

Truly understanding your travel insurance policy is the best way to ensure your needs are met while abroad. Being well-informed about the following aspects ensures you select the right policy for your needs and have a clear understanding of the protection it provides.

  1. Coverage Details: Thoroughly review what is covered and what’s not. This includes medical emergencies, trip cancellations, lost baggage, travel delays, and other potential disruptions. Policies can vary, so understanding the specifics is crucial.
  2. Medical Coverage: Check the extent of medical coverage. Ensure it includes medical expenses, emergency evacuation, and repatriation, especially if traveling internationally where healthcare costs can be high.
  3. Pre-Existing Conditions: Some policies may not cover pre-existing medical conditions. Be transparent about your health history and check if your conditions are covered or if you need to purchase additional coverage.
  4. Trip Cancellation and Interruption: Understand the circumstances under which your trip can be canceled or interrupted, and the reimbursement limits. Common reasons include illness, natural disasters, or unforeseen events.
  5. Duration and Limits: Be aware of the coverage period and any limitations on the duration of individual trips. Some policies have a maximum number of days per trip.
  6. Adventure Activities: If you plan on engaging in adventurous activities, ensure that your policy covers them. Some extreme or high-risk activities might require additional coverage.
  7. Claims Process: Familiarize yourself with the claims process. Know how to contact the insurance provider in case of an emergency and what documentation is required to make a claim.
  8. Exclusions: Pay attention to exclusions – situations or events that are not covered by the policy. Understanding these exclusions can prevent surprises when making a claim.
  9. Cost and Value: While cost is a factor, consider the value the policy provides. Cheaper options may have less coverage, so find a balance between affordability and comprehensive protection.
  10. Cancellation Policies: Understand the policy’s cancellation terms, especially if you need to cancel the insurance itself. Some plans may offer a grace period for cancellation with a refund.
  11. Travel Advisories: Keep an eye on travel advisories and how they might impact your coverage. Some policies may not cover events in areas with active travel warnings.
  12. Review Periodically: As travel plans change, periodically review and update your insurance to ensure it still aligns with your needs and any changes in your health or itinerary.

What Effects Travel Insurance Costs?

Factors influencing the cost of travel insurance include your trip expenses, age, and the extent of coverage you choose.

Trip Cost: The amount you insure for your trip directly impacts the cost of travel insurance. This encompasses prepaid and nonrefundable expenses like airfare, hotel stays, tours, event tickets, excursions, and theme park passes.

Age: Your age plays a role in determining travel insurance pricing. Older travelers typically incur higher costs, reflecting the likelihood of more claims, especially in terms of medical expenses.

Coverage: The extent of protection you select is a significant cost factor. Choosing additional features, such as a “cancel for any reason” upgrade or comprehensive travel medical coverage, will result in a higher premium.

It’s worth noting that factors like your destination, trip duration, and prior travel insurance claims history generally do not impact the overall cost of travel insurance.

4 Trustworthy Travel Insurance Companies

trustworthy travel insurance companies

When it comes to choosing travel insurance, reliability is paramount. Here are a few trustworthy travel insurance companies known for their transparent policies, comprehensive coverage, and reasonable prices.

1. World Nomads

World Nomads stands out as a top choice for travel insurance for adventurers around the world. The flexibility it offers is a key highlight, allowing travelers to purchase additional coverage on the go, making it an ideal choice for those extending their journeys. The 24/7 Emergency Assistance ensures immediate support for medical and dental needs, evacuations, and emergency travel services, offering peace of mind wherever you are. Covering a whopping 250+ adventure activities, World Nomads caters to the diverse interests of global travelers, presenting one of the most extensive lists of covered activities.

Beyond its comprehensive coverage, World Nomads distinguishes itself by connecting customers to charitable projects, enabling them to make a positive impact on local communities. With robust trip cancellation protection and varying plans to suit different needs, the company ensures that unexpected disruptions don’t derail your plans. For medical emergencies, the plans provide substantial coverage for medical and dental costs, emergency evacuation, and repatriation services, demonstrating a commitment to the well-being of travelers worldwide. Additionally, the insurance safeguards belongings from theft, damage, or delays, making World Nomads an all-encompassing and favored choice for global adventurers seeking reliable and flexible travel insurance solutions.

2. Heymondo

Another trustworthy travel insurance company to consider for your next trip is Heymondo. Heymondo is used and loved by both travellers and digital nomads alike.

Heymondo offers customizable coverage options so you can tailor your insurance plan to suit your individual travel needs. They offer 24/7 worldwide assistance, trip cancellation benefits, and access to a convenient travel app for information and chat support on-the-go. From medical expenses overseas to extended lodging due to illness, Heymondo has you covered.

You can use my link to save 5% off Heymondo insurance policies.

3. IMG Global

One of the primary reasons people opt for travel insurance, and my personal choice, typically with IMG, is to safeguard their financial investment, especially in the case of trip cancellations. This coverage ensures you don’t lose money invested in a trip that circumstances force you to cancel. Travel insurance is valuable for flights, offering financial protection in scenarios like lost baggage, flight delays, or cancellations, mitigating unexpected expenses during your journey. For cruise-goers, who often pay for their vacations in advance, travel insurance becomes essential, covering prepaid, non-refundable costs for cruises, flights, and other trip elements. Cancel For Any Reason (CFAR) Insurance provides flexibility, allowing partial reimbursement for trips canceled for reasons not otherwise covered. Notably, with the uncertainties of the COVID-19 pandemic, travel insurance, known for its reasonable prices, emerged as a crucial tool in protecting against unexpected changes to travel plans, emphasizing the importance of proper coverage.

4. SafetyWing

SafetyWing offers global travel medical insurance, providing coverage for individuals worldwide while they are outside their home country. This insurance can be purchased even if you are already abroad, offering flexibility to digital nomads. SafetyWing caters specifically to the needs of digital nomads, functioning as both travel and medical incident insurance with the convenience of a monthly subscription model. In addition, Remote Health by SafetyWing provides comprehensive health insurance tailored for remote teams and entrepreneurs, offering a unique and flexible solution. Lastly, Remote Retirement is a retirement product designed for globally distributed teams, ensuring a secure future for employees, regardless of their location. These options make SafetyWing Insurance a reliable choice for diverse travel and health needs.

Happy adventuring!

Taylor ♡

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About The Author

HI, I’m Taylor – the voice behind The Holistic Backpacker.

After moving to Banff National Park in 2020 I became an outdoor adventure enthusiast and vowed to never stop exploring.

I now spend my days travelling the world, climbing mountains, and spending nights under the stars in the Canadian Rockies backcountry.

I created The Holistic Backpacker so I could share my adventures and help connect people like you with the same amazing experiences.


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